Make it a Mala Instead
Jun 08, 2011
Just about the first comment I received in regard to trying to accomplish 100 push ups in 7 weeks was from my yoga teacher Swami Atmarupa. She said "It should be 108." The number 108 is a very auspicious number in yoga (for one, the mala which is used for meditation has 108 beads) and I should have thought of it myself, but I didn't, which is why she is the teacher and I am the student! Well I am about 5 weeks in and managed to complete the following sets: Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 12 12 18 18 12 12 32 So in approximately 15 minutes I did 116 push ups! While I am happy to see some progress I am not convinced that within the next few weeks that I will be able to complete 100 non-stop push-ups, oh wait, 108 non-stop push-ups. It is one thing to rest in between sets and another to continue without stopping. Since I have moved up to a "mala" perhaps that will be the inspiration I need. I know that there are so many of you waiting bated breath to find out if I will accomplish my goal! ;-) Will check in after the 7 week.