More Yoga, More Skating
Jun 27, 2014
Exploring Barcelona with friends earlier this month
Practicing what I preach gets tough sometimes but if I am preaching it I've got to live it. I am always telling people "more yoga, more skating" believing the two are the perfect combination for physical and mental health. But to be authentic it can't just be lip service.
In previous blogs I have written about how my yoga practice ebbs and flows. While I often get discouraged by this I am comforted in knowing that it is always there for me. It isn't going anywhere and I can pick it up anytime and anywhere. After 15 years of study and practice I have quite a few tools that I can pull out when needed and turn any moment into a yogic one. So really there is no excuse not to practice daily. Skating is the same for me as I have been skating for nearly 40 years on ice and inlines and in various disciplines. The only draw back for skating outside is the weather and if it isn't cooperating then a 20 minute drive to the ice rink is the easy answer. There's no excuse. So this week, the last of my 46th year, I have decided to get a jump on having a stellar 47th full of both yoga and skating and have begun to incorporate these two loves into my life daily. For the yoga component, I have been getting pretty good at scheduling time for a daily practice. A little asana upon waking, followed by some pranayama, such as nadi shodhana to balance my often very unbalanced life ,and periodically throughout the day meditation in the form of mantra, yoga nidra, japa, etc. has been a regular source of spiritual nutrition for me. It may be only 10-15 minutes at a time, or longer if time or patience permits, or maybe I'll even take a class. I would like to do better, meaning spend more time with the physical, breath, and meditation practices, but I know something done regularly is better and more sustainable than a lots of something sporadically so I think that I am on the right track. The bonus for me is that my older daughter Evan is also a yogini and practices regularly which is a great source of motivation. While she usually does her own "yoga thing" every once in a while she'll invite me to join her for a class or we will practice together at home-which serendipitously happened this week with a spontaneous session down by the beach!
Finishing up our practice with side by side inversions
As for the skating, I have been inspired by a good friend of mine Franc in Slovenia who sends regular updates of his DOS (days on skates) According to his latest check in a week ago, he had 167 DOS--which, if you look at the calendar, is close to a perfect record as we near the half year mark. Pretty impressive for someone who took up skating as an adult and even more impressive now that he is in his 70's! If Franc can make the effort daily, so can I!
Franc from behind on a sunset skate toward Piran, Slovenia. A much anticipated ritual of ours every time I visit![/caption] This past week I decided to enlist my 8 year old daughter Jade on one of my skates, which made it all the better.
She is a figure skater and been on skates shortly after she could walk so she makes the perfect skating partner. We navigated the streets of our city quite easily doing errands, eating ice cream and visiting friends, and while I am sure my heart rate didn't get over 100, I know that I not only met but exceeded my daily goal because I was sharing my love for skating with my daughter.
Summer is finally here and I am looking forward to spending as much time enjoying it as I can. After the winter vortex we had here in Cleveland, spending time outside in the warmth and sunshine is a no brainer. Also, living near Lake Erie makes the perfect backdrop. Whether I am inside or outside, I have the perfect venue for a yoga practice with a sound track of lapping waves. As for the skating. I can skate right out my door or hop onto the next ice session while my daughter is practicing.
More yoga and skating. No excuses.