Never. Forever. Always.
Nov 18, 2014
Never. Forever. Always. Three words that I have said countless times before in my life only to eventually prove them untrue.
When people say things to me like "I would never do ______, " or "I will always do_______.", etc..." I just smile to myself and think "Let see how that goes for you!"
But when it comes to Yoga Nidra I would like to believe that "I will NEVER stop doing Yoga Nidra. I will FOREVERcontinue to practice daily. And ALWAYS sing it's praises." but I know I am probably kidding myself as well.
If you have been following this blog you would know that I have been shouting from the roof tops about Yoga Nidra and recently been practicing it daily. In fact today is my 75th day of practice in a row! While not all attempts have been stellar-which holds true for any one practicing meditation regularly, a majority of the practices have been done with 100% effort and sincerity and I truly believe my physical, emotional and mental health has improved because of it.
Now that the semester is winding down at Cleveland State University, where I teach 9 hours per week of yoga (in only 2 days!)and has served as my original "30 Yoga Nidras in 30 Days" inspiration, I have begun to reflect on my efforts as proponent and practitioner of this meditation practice.
Beyond a doubt it has gotten me through teaching so many hours a week of yoga which might otherwise lead to burn out. The truth is there hasn't been one day, seriously not one day, where I have NOT wanted to go in to teach. Those who teach anything will know that there are just some days your heart and mind aren't into it...but for me, with less then 3 weeks to go this semester, that hasn't been the case.
In addition, there have recently been a few unforeseeable family related stressors that would throw anyone for a loop and somehow my head has managed to stay attached. Again, thank you Yoga Nidra.
When it comes to my students at Cleveland State, although I haven't managed to inspired all of them to take my lead and practice daily (2 have officially taken the challenge!), every week more and more students tell me how they are finding time to incorporated this practices into their lives when possible. ;-) To have had the opportunity to introduce about 100 students this semester to this meditation tool and to influence them to use it regularly is truly a blessing.
There are now 100 more people in this crazy stressed out world that have a tool to use that has a reduces sleep deprivation, lessens stress and anxiety, positively influences ones personality, etc. A Yoga Nidra success story. Even though previously unfulfilled grand proclamations have shown me that
I will probably NEVER be able to keep up my dedication to Yoga Nidra FOREVER and ALWAYS. I know I will certainly try.