New Year, New Moon, New You
Jan 01, 2014
It has been 19 years since we have started the New Year with a new moon and this one is considered to be a “supermoon” as it will make its closest approach to earth making the moon appear larger, and the start of the year, all that more auspicious! The New Year and a new "supermoon" are about new beginnings and provide the perfect excuse to wipe the slate clean and start again. Is there something that you have been wanting to change in your life? Are there old patterns of behavior that are no longer serving you and keeping you from realizing your true potential? If so, the time to change is now. Today. In every moment of everyday, you have the opportunity to decide who you wish to be. So why wait? From the foods that you eat, to the company that you keep, you make choices that will bring you closer to or further away from the true and perhaps "new" you. Awareness is the key to your transformation. Being the witness to your thoughts, feelings, reactions, etc. will provide you with the data you need to make different choices in the future and alter long standing emotional and behavioral patterns. Need to make changes to your diet? Next time you eat a snack or meal sit back and wait. Notice how you feel. If the answer is "not so good," well, that's important information to make note of and either eat less of it next time or pass on it altogether. If after coming home for the holidays you feel disappointed or depleted by the experience, then maybe on future visits you will need to lower your expectations or perhaps alter your holiday plans in a way that repletes, rather than depletes. The key is to remember that you can always make a new choice about the "you" you wish to be. When old patterns and behaviors creep back in, and they will, vow to choose differently next time. The beauty of life is that it constantly gives you the opportunity to create or recreate your experiences. You are the one in charge. For 2014 set the intention to be the best YOU that you can be. The YOU of good health, happiness and prosperity. The YOU of peace and tranquility. A toast to a New Year, a New Moon, and a New You!