Too Much Mobile, Not Enough Yoga

yoga Aug 11, 2012

The last two months have had me traversing the globe.  From two trips to the states, a trip to Singapore, a cruise to Greece, and Montenagro, as well as a whirlwind European tour that included Poland, UK, France, Italy, and Slovenia, “life has been a dream” and a bit of blur.  So many planes, trains, and automobiles and not enough asana and meditation for sure.

Knowing that we had a finite amount of time in Europe and that time was coming quickly to an end, we did all we could to take our best to take advantage of the proximity to many of the world famous cities, attractions, etc.  Now that the “European Adventure” is all over it is bitter sweet.  While it is great to be back in Ohio near family and friends  it is also a let down to no longer be living an exciting sort of Bohemian lifestyle that had seemed to have us in a different major European city every weekend.  We truly were blessed to have this opportunity and knowing that it will probably never come our way again makes it all that more special.

While forgoing the European lifestyle and getting back to life in Ohio, USA will take some getting use to,  being in close proximity to my yoga teacher and yoga friends in Cleveland is certainly a bright spot. With all the travel it certainly wasn’t easy to keep up a regular yoga practice and at best my efforts were often sporadic or rushed.  Not having my teacher close by or programs that I could attend on a regular basis made it difficult to keep up the motivation. [caption id="attachment_1629" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Mobile Yoga Workshop in Singapore


Eating durian in Singapore

Traveling the world has been wonderful but I am ready for some sameness or "saneness" that will come from being truly home.  Slowing down is something that I have learned from studying yoga, but it continues to be a difficult lesson.  So, "More yoga, less mobile"  will be my new mantra". Let's see how long that lasts. LOL   

"Out for a traditional German meal on our last night as "Europeans"-Stuttgart, Germany