Yogic Studies 2-The Journey Continues
Oct 13, 2012
It has taken over 3 years to get here. But finally, I am starting, this very afternoon, the second half of the Satyananda Yoga Yogic Studies course through the Yoga Academy of North America. Now that I am back teaching yoga classes at Cleveland State University I am slowly coming back to teaching after being away from it for two years while living in Germany. In spite of Jignasu initiation in Budapest, Hungary AND a trip to the Satyananda ashram Munger, India in 2011 it has been very difficult for me maintain a consistent personal practice which is essential for experiencing the abundance that a life filled with yoga can provide. I am talking the the talk and not walking the walk . I believe this course will ignite the spark and keep the yogic fire burning within me. That is, until is goes out. Which, by personal experience I know it eventually will. But that is part of the journey. Although Yogic Studies will enhance my abilities as a yoga teacher, the principal aim of the course is on continuing to strengthen and build a personal practice based on a more in depth understanding of yogic principals and practices. Feeling more dissipated as ever I know this will be a difficult but necessary experience if I am going to continue to nurture the seed of yoga that has been growing slowly inside of me for over 15 years. Fits and starts, ups and downs are part of the ebb and flow of the yogic path. And with a sincere and earnest heart today I will move forward once again.